Bit of Background
I’m Shaun, though my Vietnamese friends call me Dũng (sounds like ‘yoo-oom’), and I really love food. Luckily for me, Da Nang has some of the most amazing food in Vietnam. I first moved to Da Nang in 2009, back when there was one bar and very few foreigners. I speak Vietnamese and have lots of local friends who help keep me in the know about all best food spots in the city. Of course, I’m always on the lookout for new places too. As a foreigner, I understand that visiting Da Nang on your own can be confusing. “What should I try?” “How do I order?” “There’s 5 sauces, which one goes with what?” Don’t worry, we’ll take care of all that stuff so you can focus on eating, the best part!

Why a food tour?
I’ve been on lots of tours during my time in Vietnam, and unfortunately, most of them were not that great. I grew tired of the canned, rehearsed explanations, with the tour guide reciting facts from a memorized script in broken English. I was also sick of getting on a tour bus with loads of strangers and going from one tourist trap to another.
On top of that, I feel like the food is one of the best things about Vietnam, and yet if you don’t live here and don’t speak the language, it’s also one of the most difficult to access. And so I made Da Nang Food Tour with the idea that there were other people out there like me, people who want to see how the locals actually live, not what some corporate tour company decides is “suitable” for foreigners. When I tell my Vietnamese friends about the places I take people on my tours, some cry out in horror: “You can’t take people there! It’s not for foreigners!” That’s exactly why we go.

Our Tours
When I made Da Nang Food Tour, the idea was to not put people in a box. We try to tailor each tour to your tastes, and we love special requests! We get all kind of people on our tours, including:
- food bloggers
- professional chefs
- vegetarians
- non-pork-eaters
- dedicated home cooks armed with notebooks and cameras
- honeymooners
- people sneaking away from a business conference for a night out
- families with kids
- people who just love good food
The Morning Tour is focused on Da Nang street food and daily city life with stops at the local market and coffee shop.

The Evening Tour takes you out to the beach side for some Da Nang specialties, including BBQ and fresh seafood, along with a chance to mingle with the locals at various sidewalk venues.