I first wrote about Bun Mang Ga back in March 2015, and I’m still a big fan. This time I wanna share a different spot on Hoàng Hoa Thám owned by the lovely Ms Thơ. Bún Măng Gà is more than a sum of its parts: noodles, bamboo and chicken. It’s an amazing noodle soup that can be eaten any time of the day. And yes, this bowl of deliciousness costs a mere 20,000 VND.

Every afternoon, Ms Thơ sets up her cart and gets to work prepping her ingredients. First, she cuts boiled chicken off the bone. Then she starts on the veggies: sliced white onion, diced spring onions & cilantro add a touch of freshness to the broth. A spoon of seasoned oil gives a bit of red color to an otherwise very white and green bowl.
Before you dig in, make sure you add some more goodies. I like to squeeze a wedge of fresh lime into the bowl, and toss in a bit of chili too. The rest of the condiments I usually pass on, but that’s just me.

I love bamboo! It’s definitely Top 3 among “favorite things to eat that I never imagined back in California” along with snails and jackfruit. If you haven’t tried it yet, definitely get yourself some bun mang ga, Da Nang style.
What’s cool about this spot is that your right in the midst of everything. Hoang Hoa Tham is a lively street, especially in the late afternoon. Ordering off the food cart, sitting in the red plastic chair, watching the motorbikes wiz by; this place really captures the street food experience and so much of what makes eating fun in Vietnam. It’s fresh, it’s noisy, and while you’re tucking into a tasty bowl of noodles, life is moving by in front of you.
Try bun mang ga at 126 Hoàng Hoa Thám.